Ice Hockey: Russia Thrashes Canada 5-2. The Men and the ….boys.

Canada, without the protection of the home factor, does not own the podium. Now we see that the articles “one” wrote during the Winter Olympics (which started with the death of an athlete and ended in a Kanuckistani orgy of self-righteousness) were A1-OK! PRAVDA.Ru 1 – Critics 0. And Russia 5 (five) Canada 2 (two).

We do not this time need an alcoholic loser (yeah we do our research) from some obscure radio station to come making claims and insults. Russia, basically, is superior. Russia 5, Canada 2. As the Queen might say, Speaks for itself, what?

Let us see the game.

First period. 19.02 minutes. Maksim Afinogenov GOAL. 1-0. Wow! Second period. Whoops! 21.45 minutes. Oh deary, deary me. Pavel Datsyuk GOAL. 2-0. Wow! And in the same period on 37.31 GOAL! 3-0. Wow, eh? Evgeni Malkin. So, who owns the podium now?

But the procession has not left the churchyard yet. Third period. Konechno! Up your…maple syrup! (cough) 47.31 minutes. A Mr. S. Federov. Sergei Fedorov. 4-0. Wow!

Great game of hockey. Jolly hockey sticks, what? As the Queen might say as she smiles down from a Kanucki postage stamp. Hang on. On 53:52 some Portuguese, sorry Canadian, called Tavares gets one back. Ei, pá, fantástico!!

4-1. Not bad Canada. Eh? Could be worse, what?

Ai caramba, as Bart Simpson might say. It did get worse (chuckle), as in five-one by Evgeni Malkin on 56:56. A tad embarrassing, what?

No, but the kanucks got one back, on 59:46, an M. Duchene. Wow, hearty congratulations, Canada, you managed to score two goals against Russia. Problem is, Russia scored five against you.

Never mind. There’s Sochi 2014 to come, eh? Never mind. There’s the men, and the boys. When the boys don’t have mama’s skirts to protect them, “it” happens. As I predicted, “Watch out Canada”. I am not surprised.

Yeah how does it feel to be a loser? How do we like our Canadians? On their (cough)ses! (See the pic). Smilie. Take it like I took your insults and hacking attacks. Kiss kiss.



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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey