The Russian military uranium and plutonium will be concentrated in one place
No panic here, please. This is the title of the press conference for Russian and foreign reporters. The conference is to take place on July 10th. Here is another thesis from the conference title: "The Nuclear Diversion Threat To Russia's integrity."
The participants of the conference are very competent people in the field of national interests and the military strategy development: Leonid Ivashov, Colonel-General, chairman of the Russian Sovereign Union, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems; Lev Maksimov, acting Director of the Institute for Technical Problems of Metallurgy and Machine-Building.
Prior to the conference, Leonid Ivashov and Lev Maksimov have distributed a document with a rather horrific title: "The International Terrorism Threatens To Become Another Chernobyl." As it is stated in the document, the Russian Sovereign Union has the evidence to prove USA's plans to establish the total control over the Russian nuclear arsenal. Pursuant to the agreement signed by Russia and the United States of America on July 17th, 1992, the federal storage for the military uranium and plutonium, produced when dismantling Russian nuclear weapons, is being built. The storage facility can house more than 400 tons of material, which means that the entire Russian strategic reserve will be concentrated in one and the same place. The project is being implemented by the Russian Nuclear Power Ministry and the Pentagon, not the American Ministry for Energy. To crown it all, the Russian State Nuclear Control Department has been relieved of controlling both the construction and the projection of the storage facility.
The concentration of the military uranium and plutonium in one place and the American control over the project create favorable conditions for a subversive operation, which might be capable of overshadowing the Chernobyl tragedy. This operation might also break the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov, FSB Director Nikolay Patrushev have been informed about the potential threat to destroy the state reserve of the military uranium and plutonium.
The Russian Sovereign Union has distributed the statement, in which the Union demanded the president should set up a special committee to thoroughly check the project of the storage facility and take all necessary measures to guarantee the national security for Russia. However, the Russian authorities have not reacted to this issue yet, which arises the need to provide more information to the Russian society about the danger. The mentioned press conference will be held for this purpose.
The Russian Sovereign Union was formed on June 25th of the current year. The agreement about the establishment of the Union was signed by political parties and public organizations leaders, which shared the sovereign, national and patriotic stance. The list of organizations particularly includes: the Russian Union of Cossacks, the All-Russian political party For Holy Russia, Strong Russia political party, the Movement for Ecological Security, the Union of the Christian Revival, and others. Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov was elected chairman of the Russian Sovereign Union.
As it is said in the statement about the establishment of the Russian Sovereign Union, the prime goal of the organization is to create and develop the dynamic social and political infrastructure, which would be capable of exerting influence on the situation in the country, contradicting to the degradation of the Russian society and the state. The Union is also to create conditions for the retrieval of the sovereign state organization, which is supposed to unite everything and everyone who likes Russia, believes in it, and who is ready to work for its great future.
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