Cast the first stones, shameful world...for "salvation comes from the Jews," as the Master has spoken many many centuries ago...
For the nations of the world has cast its stones upon the anointed race from which salvation was born...who's' hearts shall not be probed into their innermost depths analyzing the hatred upon which their votes were cast, and be found guiltless as they approach the Great Tribunals, defending your life before all of Heaven, for not showing utmost reservation, in dealing with the Holy Race, and casting the Holy Water from which Israel's enemies may quench their hateful thirst upon the innocent men women and children of Israel, by spilling their blood before the antiquity of the Hebrew Soul, who since the days of the pyramids, has past upon into the ages, while watching and guiding their descendent's towards their mortal destiny, with the full love and fiery passion of the desert from which these nomads were they search for the meaning of life and finding their God in their heart of hearts...
If the world seeks a diminishment of the boundaries, then start with your hearts...and tear down the wall which separates you from love and perfection...
Let the terrorists of the world diminish the wall in their hearts, and replace it with a river of love...teaming with friendship and generosity...
Let the nations of the world tear down the wall of timidity and show the courage to step out and condemn terrorism, and force their citizens to live in love and peace...for really Israel's wall is really a reflection of everybody's wall which has been erected in our own hearts, which keeps the world from opening up to the light of a brand new dawn, while the flower of your personality becomes stunted by the dark....
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona
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