Russia, as the cross roads between Europe and Asia, has been used for more than trade, but also for the exchange of ideas. Unfortunately this applies just as well to horribly bad ideas as to good ideas and if those horribly bad ideas ruin or weaken Orthodox Christian Russia, the West is all the more happy to export them with every ounce of its being.
Three horrible ideas have been planted in Russia to, if not destroy her, retard her growth, as much as possible. We, dear reader, will now explore each of them in detail.
1. Serfdom
Many in the propagandized West, particularly in the Anglo-Sphere, know Russia as the land of serfs and the unfree, and the Tsars are tyrants over the people. There are of course several things wrong with this issue. First, Serfdom is a singularly Western idea, as far as Russia is concerned. Sure, forms of it originated to a limited degree in China and Tibet and to a very strict degree in Japan, but the Serfdom as was practiced in Russia, and all of Eastern Europe, was a Western European import in the mid 1500s to 1600s. It was never an organic development, unlike that in East Asia.
Russia is kept to an unfair standard in this, as usual. Everyone loves to remember the "slavery" of the Russian peasant and use that to beat Russia over the head with. The serfdom of peasants lasted till February 1861 but it did not form in Russia, was not fully imported, until after the Times of Troubles, the Smuta, which ended in 1613. Thus from around the middle of the 1600s to 1861, or approximately 220 years. As such, unlike the West, Serfdom had very shallow roots in Russia.
In the West, Serfdom lasted close to 1200 years and like the West and the Anglo-Sphere so loves to forget, was quickly replaced with whole sale slavery of foreigners, captured or bought from far away lands and possessing absolutely none of the few protections afforded by law and tradition to the serf.
European Serfdom developed early on, particularly for Western and Southern Europe and is directly traceable to Edicts of Constantine of 332 AD, which first fully bound the free peasant to the land, in replacement of the slaves. Serfdom continued in England until 1574 and in France until it was formerly abolished in 1789, though in effect it was all but dead from a hundred years earlier. Of course, this was also the time that first the Portuguese and then the rest of Western Europe started buying black African slaves from Arab traders and than opened their own slaving stations, as well as enslaving South American and Caribbean Indians in the New World.
Serfdom in other areas lasted well into the 1800s. In the Polish-Lithuanian Monarchy, Serfdom was officially made law in the early 1500s and was abolished in the Dutchy of Warsaw (the stump kingdom recreated by Napoleon, of the once much larger state) in 1807, under Napoleonic revolutionary rule. In Prussia, Serfdom was initiated in 1525 by the Prussian Ordinance and ended only in 1807, while in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Hapsburg rule that covered more than 1/3rd of Europe, Serfdom lasted until 1848. However, who ever mentions these facts when speaking about Serfdom in Europe, it is almost exclusively thrown on Russia as the example.
In truth, until the Mongol invasions of the 1200s, Russian peasants had the most mobility of any of the lower classes of Europe, most of which had shackled their own people 800 years earlier. Initial restraints on movement were created under Mongol rule but this was far from Serfdom and effected both the rich and poor alike. After the Mongol Yoke was over thrown in the mid 1400s, mobility returned, up through the reign of Ivan Grozny in the late 1500s who started the process that was completed in the mid 1630s by Michael Romanov, who seeking after the West, copied this failed and disastrous idea.
Serfdom and it legacy, severely retarded Russian industrial growth, pushing back the true Industrial Revolution to the mid to late 1800s instead of the early 1800s. In short, it cost us at least 50 years of growth and much heart ache in the form of various social upheavals and peasant revolts.
2. Marxism
By far the worst of the Western concepts imported into Russia, the one that cost us the most in lost lives and the one that was most inorganic to our souls, psyches and motherland. A disaster of monumental proportion that lasted for 70 years, cost well over 30 million lives and set us back from our path of being the preeminent world economy by probably at least 100 years.
If Marxism and its communist economy and collective farming failures had not been brought to Russia on Western capital and Western politics, Russia's Empire would not have fallen. There would be close to 250 million Russians in the world (instead of the 170 million spread out now) and the Empire's population would more than likely be closer to 350 million.
Equally, if the Marxists had not been imported into Russia, Hitler would have never come to power, the Kaiser would have remained or been returned to the throne and World War Two, if it ever happened, would have been a much different affair. Thus with the blow of Communist Marxism to Russia, the Anglo-Sphere equally destroyed the Germans with Trotskyte Nazi Marxism and the World War that made Germany into first a divided and then a NATO subjugated land that it is still.
As an aside, the Middle East and Asia Minor would not be the Christian Free Zones that they now are, as with Russia the Defender of Orthodox Christianity in specific and Christians throughout the Muslim World in general, the massacres and exterminations of Christians, as has happened and continues to happen to this day, under the Anglo-Marxist care, would never have happened. This is especially true for the insane massacres of Christians by Ataturk, who finished off those started by the Young Turks, to whom he had belonged. The deChristianization of the West may also have been retarded as Russia would have, as she does now again, offered an alternative to the Humanistic Nihilism that is the new foundation of the morally bankrupt West.
3. Free Trade and Economic Open Borders and Democracy
With the Russian people throwing off the second of the Western imports, the leadership and people were sold on the idea of a get rich quick scheme: just drop your protections, just allow the Western companies in and they would show you how to run business and make money and everyone would be rich. Of course this was sold to Yeltsin and his bunch, the very people who in getting rid of the Marxists (a good thing) listening to the Western money and along with Kravchuk of Ukraine and Pushcha of Belarus betrayed the vast majority of the Soviet peoples (85% having voted for keeping the country whole) and as traitors grabbed power dissolving what was in effect the remains of the Russian Empire.
When oh when will we stop listening to Western concepts of social engineering? None of it is aimed at making us stronger, wealthier or happier, all is aimed at just the opposite.
The Russian Empire was at its strongest when it rejected the Western Ideals, when it was a Monarchy under God, when it threw off the Serfdom of the West and batted aside the Marxism of the 1905 Revolution.
It is time to return to our roots fully, as a nationalistic, patriotic, mercantistic state that protects its people, its assets and its businesses from those abroad.
Stanislav Mishin
The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from the autohr and originally appears on his website, Mat Rodina
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