A bill that would legalize millions of undocumented immigrants reignited a smoldering debate Thursday, as lawmakers launched the most ambitious attempt in two decades to overhaul the nation's &to=http:// english.pravda.ru/diplomatic/2002/10/28/38755.html ' target=_blank>immigration system.
The bill, backed by prominent lawmakers from both parties, also would create a visa making it easier for low-skilled foreign workers to come to the United States. Supporters hope to regain control over the flow of immigrants, who have been a valuable source of labor for employers across the nation but a challenge for the communities that absorb them.
Opponents say the proposal would spur more illegal immigration.
The bill would let immigrants - including undocumented workers already in the United States - apply for three-year visas, which could be renewed for another three years. The foreign workers could apply only for jobs that first had been made available to U.S. citizens, but not filled, reports the Kansas City Star.
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