Queen "Taxi" for Jimmy Fallon

Taxi is a surprisingly funny, female-driven romp — as long as you don't question too many plot particulars.

Queen Latifah's blend of quick, sassy comedy and knowing facial expressions makes the movie.

Jimmy Fallon acquits himself just fine in his first lead role in a film since leaving Saturday Night Live last season.

But the movie really belongs to Latifah, Ann-Margret, who is hilarious as Fallon's lush of a mom, and the quartet of actresses as Brazilian bank &to=http:// english.pravda.ru/fun/2001/06/14/7645.html ' target=_blank>robbers who look more like supermodels than crooks.

The movie opens with an edge-of-the-seat bicycle chase that sets the tone for this fast-paced film. Latifah plays a speed demon of a bike messenger who gets her taxi license, a mere way station to her dream of NASCAR racing, wrote USA Today.

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