Second stage of program to search for radiation sources in Georgia begins

The second stage of the program of the search for radiation sources on Georgian territory begins on Monday. The program is carried out jointly with the IAEA and the Georgian government, reports Levan Gogua, head of the department for control of nuclear sources and radioactive means of the nuclear and radiation security service of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia.

According to Gogua, during the second stage of the program which will last two weeks, specialists of the nuclear and radiation security service, the emergency situations and civil defence department of Georgia's Interior Ministry and IAEA experts, accompanied by guards and rescuers, will inspect districts in southern Georgia.

Levan Gogua said that it was initially envisaged to carry out aerophoto surveillance of the country's territory, but due to a lack of means the experts will inspect areas in Georgia on cars or on foot.

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