Minsk-2 took place to rescue NATO mercenaries from entrapment in Donbass


The Ukrainian army has been trying to unblock the Debaltsevo entrapment during the past two days. Well-trained, fresh units of the Ukrainian forces attempted to go on massive offensive, Artem Timchenko, an MP from Novorossiya, the Chairman of the Committee for International Relations, said an in interview with Pravda.Ru

If militia forces manage keep their positions by February 15, the day of the armistice, then the 10,000-strong Ukrainian contingent (ten percent of them are foreign mercenaries) blocked in the Debaltsevo entrapment may disrupt the Minsk agreement, the MP told Pravda.Ru. According to Timchenko, the initiatives of French President Hollande and German Chancellor Merkel to hold the Minsk-2 conference are related to the fact that there are NATO mercenaries and instructors in the entrapment. 

Artem Timchenko said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that it was impossible to come to a peaceful solution with Poroshenko. The issue of independence of Donbass will be solved by military means, he said. 

Poroshenko remains under pressure from both the war party and the Ukrainian society that tell him every day that victory over the Russian army is close. It is quite possible that President Poroshenko will be removed from power, the Novorossiya MP said. 

As for the leaders of the two breakaway republics, Zaharchenko and Plotnitsky, who put their signatures under the Minsk-2 agreement, they listen to Russia in the first place. Secondly, their task is to stop the shelling and killings of civilians. Artem Timchenko does not consider an option of providing direct military aid from Russia to Donbass a correct solution, because it would be a declaration of war to Ukraine. To crown it all, the Russian society would be against such a decision. 

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin stated that Ukraine did not take any obligation to introduce specific changes to the constitution of Ukraine for the Donbass.

The minister made the statement at a meeting of the parliament, answering a question from Oleg Lyashko, who said that the Minsk agreements contained an obligation to conduct a "constitutional reform before the end of 2015," Pravda.Ru reports. 

"I'm asking you, who gave you the right to trade the Ukrainian constitution?" Lyashko said.

Klimkin asnwered: "Any subsequent conversations regarding a special regime for the Donbass will be carried out and implemented within the framework of the law that has already been adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine."

According to Klimkin, the Minsk arrangements say that issues of decentralization, including in the context of the Donbass region, will be considered within the framework of a constitutional reform.


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