Interpol wants WikiLeaks founder over sex crimes

42557.jpegThe WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, is tonight facing growing legal problems around the world, with the US announcing that it was investigating whether he had violated its espionage laws.

Assange's details were also added to Interpol's worldwide wanted list. Dated 30 November, the entry reads: "sex crimes" and says the warrant has been issued by the international public prosecution office in Gothenburg, Sweden.

"If you have any information contact your national or local police." It reads: "Wanted: Assange, Julian Paul," and gives his birthplace as Townsville, Australia, The Guardian reports.

He admits to having sexual encounters with two women during a visit to Sweden in August, but insists they were consensual and denies any wrongdoing.

Mr Assange is under heavy scrutiny in the US over the legality of the release of 250,000 confidential diplomatic documents that have sent shockwaves throughout the world.

He has been lying low since his whistle-blowing website began releasing the classified cables from a secret location.

A number of countries, including Australia and the US, are now actively making legal moves against the former computer hacker, vastly limiting his travel options, Metro says.


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