H1N1 Still Spreads around the World

The total number of those who confirmed to have contracted the H1N1 strain of influenza A in Japan has topped 2,000, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Wednesday.

Most of the 2,000 people have already been cured and there have been no reports of severe cases, the ministry said, Xinhua reports.

Meanwhile Five people in Orange County of California have died of the A/H1N1 flu, registering the highest number of any county in the state, health officials confirmed on Tuesday.

Orange County is reporting 387 confirmed cases of H1N1, but the HCA's Deanne Thompson said that is not a full picture because the county is only testing suspected cases in patients that required hospitalization, are in clusters or such places as jail and school facilities.

"We're seeing an unusually high level of influenza activity, and since we can't predict what is going to happen, its important to remain vigilant," she said. "Very little other influenza remains to be seen," Xinhua reports.

The virus also  reported hit the American Lung Association camp for asthmatic children in Julian. Officials are saying 89 cases of the flu strain were reported at the Julian camp this week. There are no reports any of the affected children had to be hospitalized. There has been another death caused by the H1N1 influenza. The 50-year-old woman died June 29 in National City, six days after being admitted to the hospital, KXO Radio reports.

Florida health officials in the meantime said on Tuesday that a 19-year-old woman had died of the A/H1N1 flu in Orange County as the sixth victim of the virus in the state.

"We continue to emphasize the risk of A/H1N1 flu to the community," said Dr. Kevin Sherin, director of the Orange County Health Department.

"We will, unfortunately, continue to expect more swine flu (A/H1N1 flu) in our communities in Central Florida and more deaths from the disease," he said, Xinhua reports.

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