Pamela Anderson weds for the third time

Sex tape star Pamela Anderson is set to tie the knot – for the third time.

The Planet Hollywood Casino in Vegas is planning to pass out free champagne on the casino floor to toast serial knot-tiers Pam and Paris Hilton's ex Rick Salomon - as both will be saying "I do" tonight for the third time, reports Gossip website TMZ.

The site stated that the marriage would take place sometime around Anderson 's busy magician's assistant schedule, as she has two shows tonight performing in Hans Klok's magic show.

The two sex tape stars (she did Tommy Lee, he did "One Night in Paris ") applied for a marriage licence last week, according to KVBC in Las Vegas .

Earlier this month, Anderson , 40, told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres that she was engaged, but would only refer to him as a "poker player".

Salomon, 38, is best known for producing and co-starring in Paris Hilton's sex tape "One Night In Paris," and was previously married to "90210" actress and "Charmed" vixen Shannen Doherty, reports Melbourne Herald Sun.

An insider said: "Pamela and Rick were married in a quick ceremony in front of her two sons and friends. They were given an item in a gift box from Paris.

"Inside it was a video camera with a label saying, 'Congrats Mrs Salomon, but be warned... love Paris.' ''People were looking at her so she tried to laugh it off before passing the box to Rick, who told Pammie to ignore it. But he looked irritated."

Paris , 26, split with Rick four years ago after claiming he filmed a controversial sex video of her which he later posted on the internet.

Not that the incident put Pammie off her man. We hear after the wedding, the actress went on to enjoy a "quickie" celebration of a different kind Dailystar reports.

Source: Agencies

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