Sexy posters drive motorists mad

Almost a quarter of British motorists admit they have been so distracted by roadside billboards of semi-naked models that they have veered dangerously out of their lane.

Research released this week said one in five male drivers said their eyes were diverted from the road by posters of scantily clad women -- such as model Eva Herzigova's famous adverts for Wonderbra which bore the tagline "Hello Boys."

However only one in 10 women were put off by the sight of a semi-dressed male model.

"There is a growing body of concern about the lack of any coherent strategy for arranging roadside furniture," said Mark Young, an expert in transport ergonomics from Brunel University.

He said novel advertising could cause a significant risk of distracting drivers at crucial times, such as going round a difficult roundabout.

"In fact, this risk is probably underestimated and we need to do more research on the possibility of excluding non-essential information when the driver is already busy dealing with the road," he said.

The study, by Privilege Insurance, said a 5-second distraction at 60 mph equated to driving at least the length of a soccer pitch without fully concentrating, Reuters reports.


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