Russian movie theater plays Titanic for 8 years running over greediness

Movie theater Salute in the Russian city of Ekaterinburg has recently appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. The theater has been playing one and the same movie for eight years running. James Cameron's Titanic became the lucky motion picture, which enjoyed the public viewing in the Russian theater for such a long period of time.

The administration of the Salute movie theater had to pay a certain fee to the authors of the film's soundtrack for organizing of its public listening. According to the law of copyright, a movie theater is supposed to transfer a certain interest from its box office to the authors of a film's soundtrack. The amount is usually calculated on the base of the sum that a film grosses after its distribution ends. Keeping Titanic "on rotation" for years, the administration of the movie theater avoided making necessary payments, Interfax reports.

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