Extreme sex made to order

Rather unusual services are offered at Rod Stephenson’s Humming-bird firm. A successful Californian businessman opened a firm offering extreme sexual services to clients. Right choice of a sphere for business is confirmed by an increasing number of the firm’s clients.

List of services provided at Humming bird consists of over hundred of very attractive proposals. These are: sex in an elevator stuck between the floors, at a wind-blown fire-escape, in a helicopter, airliner or train compartment, in the office, in champagne-filled bath, in a gym, at tennis grounds, and even very exotic variants such as sex under canopy or under yacht sails.

For clients craving for more pungent feelings situations of a “Gangster- husband-suddenly-gets-back-from-his-business-trip” type are offered. The husband role at that is wonderfully performed by a Hollywood actor made up as an angry gangster.

It is to be added at that, the services are rather expensive. At an opening ceremony owner of the firm explained success of the business: “Americans are bored with dull sex in their marital bedrooms. They are dreaming of sex filled with pungent extraordinary emotions. My decision was to satisfy desires of people craving for extreme sex. Our firm can help them realize their most audacious sexual ideas.” Gala.net

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