Lectures on sex for pandas

Experts from China National Center for panda breeding have come to a conclusion that animals kept in the center need more thorough explanation of details of their sexual life. Panda is famous for its slowness, it is rather reluctant to make love, especially when kept at zoos. Frankly speaking, pandas dislike making love, that is why panda population is inevitably reducing. Moreover, barrenness has become also widely spread among pandas, with males and females, both. Only 10% of male pandas kept at zoos can reproduce in a natural way, and only 30% of female pandas can give birth to healthy babies.

Once Chinese zoologists, who are so much worried about future of the panda population, decided to demonstrate so-called porno-movies with participation of pandas living in forests to those ones living at zoos. The method was rather effective, because male and female pandas evinced great sexual interest after watching such movies. Now scientists are going to make watching porno-movies obligatory for all pandas kept at zoos in China. Director of the China National Center for panda breeding hopes that the method will help increase panda population at Chinese zoos. “We are not going to stuff pandas with viagra to increase potency. We just organize a so-called experiment to increase pandas’ sexual experience. They seem to be liking it.”


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