Story of homosexual love in Russia

Unisexual female love is getting really very popular in Russia. There was a saying in the Soviet Union that we had neither sex, nor sexual minorities. Quite naturally, sex and sexual minorities really existed in the USSR, but the fact of it could not be recognized openly. Nobody dared to expose sexual preferences that were considered non-traditional at that time. Probably, only ever young Boris Moiseyev had the courage to demonstrate his sexual orientation. He organized trio Expressia together with two girls, and the group looked rather exotic and harmless. The trio even participated in governmental concerts in the Soviet era. It is to be mentioned here that not only people belonging to sexual minorities were among Moiseyev’s admirers, but rather respectable women.

Later Sergey Penkin, a talented singer from Russian city of Penza working as a street cleaner came to Moscow to enter the Gnesins musical high school. He also openly demonstrated his sexual preferences. He enjoyed Boris Moiseyev’s protection who helped Penkin to get on his singer career. The audience gave them a hearty welcome and understood the singers’ image as an integral part of their work. As for Russian female unisexual love, Morals police comes to memory at once. The group already broke up. The group looked rather exotic as well: two bald-headed girls with unusual names Angel and Frida, dressed in leather clothes, on high heels and with lashes sang about love and tried to demonstrate unisexual love to the audience. Such demonstrations of unisexual love lasted for a rather long period until one of the girls, Angel, got tired of it and married. Quite naturally that she married a man, one of those whom the group hated so much in the songs. Angel had to wear a wig for some time to let her hair grow, and then completely forgot her Lesbian youth. The time was passing by, and finally sex was officially recognized in the Soviet Union. As it traditionally happens in this country, when something becomes really available for all people (alcohol or freedom of speech), such things get too abundant here. Over perestroika lots of young men with female looks appeared in the entertainment sphere. Roman Viktyuk’s theatre and Alexander Mikhailovsky’s male ballet toured about the country and were really very popular.

The time was going by and the Russian people got used to non-traditional demonstration of love. Very often relations between a woman and a man were considered old-fashioned, kind of retro. Still, the audience desired to get something more peculiar, probably it wanted to see more natural unisexual relations.

Not so long ago a duet of two young girls named TaTu appeared. Originally the Russian name of the group seemed just a set of letters, but later we understood that the name meant that one girl loved another. The duet got popular among Russian youth rather quickly. Some time later, when people got somewhat used to the lesbian manner of the girls, the group decided to shock the audience once again: this time TaTu not only demonstrated that they did not need men as sexual partners, but demonstrated they could do without any partners at all. As a result a rather amusing movie Easy movements was shot. No movements are demonstrated in the movie, we can see only eyes of a girl filled with delight after the movements she made. Duma deputies who saw the movie said, the latter was a progress as compared with the first movie. They also hope, the situation is not so hopeless, probably the girl would soon prefer boys for making love. Now home camera shooting it is really very popular with schoolgirls: girls take cameras and make their “easy movements” in the bathroom. Further tapes can be watched with friends at a party while drinking beer, or some prefer to send such tapes to TV program Producer to yourself (a rather funny popular TV program in Russia to which people sent amateur videos of their family, kids and funny moments of their life). Russian musical duet Guests from the future is now a classical duet of a gay and a lesbian, a so-called family that represents “capitalistic tomorrow”, where man loves men, woman loves women and both live happily together as a family. Eva, the woman who sings solo in the group, appears alone or with girlfriends in movies, the audience likes it very much.

At the same time another popular singer Madonna, who is now a good wife and mother, suspended her scandalous musical career and started theatrical performances. Madonna plays a rather respectable woman, owner of a picture-gallery who needs to sell a very expensive picture that costs $22 million. Some people want to buy it, but it is not easy to make them buy it. Some people would say it is easy. Indeed, there is a simple way to settle the problem: to sleep with the clients. That is the way Madonna’s heroine acts, even regardless of the fact that women make up half of potential clients. Madonna seduces women right on the stage, the audience is ecstatic of it.

So, there is nothing surprising in it. It is up to ourselves, how we see the world. Larisa Suetenko PRAVDA.Ru

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