Deputies love to have sex on table

Politicians make love in the State Duma and in front of the parliament in Italy, but they are sentenced to death penalty or dismissed from their positions for that.

The land that is called down under and that is basically known for kangaroos and koala bears, was shocked with a sex scandal of grand scale. Even Bill Clinton would feel envious about it. The press secretary of the ruling Labor Party Andrew Kilvert got drunk, took his girlfriend to the office of the chairman of the parliament, and had sex with her there, right in the leather armchair of the speaker! Their visit would have remained unnoticed, if a video camera hadn’t filmed the lovers leaving the office, while Kilvert’s girlfriend was pulling her panties up and wiping her mouth.

The police detained the press secretary for three hours to testify, and then they had to release the guy, having started the official investigation of the scandal, although the ”trouble-makers” did not think they had done something wrong. Kilvert said that the speaker’s armchair was hard and uncomfortable, so he and his girlfriend had to move onto the sofa.

The most interesting thing here is that those events did not shock anyone really. “Acts of sexual intercourse in the premises of the Australian parliament take place every day: the deputies and their assistants call prostitutes, and there is nothing surprising here,” – the chief of Eros Fund, Robby Suo said.” “I do not know any governmental department, in which no one had office sex. Life goes on.”

In the meantime, the owner of the pornographic studio Down Under Productions Joe Lark, officially offered Andrew Kilvert to play a part in a pornographic movie together with his brave girlfriend, repeating the scene in the parliament for $50 thousand. However, Speaker Loraine Braham was absolutely against the idea of giving her item of furniture for hardcore movies. She claimed she would not sit in that chair anymore, because the lovers spilled something on it.

Australia is surely not the only place in the world, where politicians practice office sex. The Oval (or oral) Office of the White House became world famous after Monica Lewinsky’s work on President Bill Clinton. But everybody forgot that Franklin Roosevelt was making love to his secretary in that Oval Office, sitting in his wheelchair. His wife once got him at such an entertainment, and the president simply offered her to close the door: “Don’t you see, honey, that I am busy?”

There are tiny cameras fixed in the offices of the British deputies, but their assistants were caught “in the act” several times anyway, when they were brining prostitutes from Soho, and having MFF orgies there. After one of such tapes was put on the table of the security chief of the House of Lords, the assistants were fired. But the British tabloid News of the World reported that even police officers on guard the building of the parliament sometimes had fun with female tourists from Holland and Sweden – the women were thrilled about an offer to have sex in the premises of the British parliament. They even paid $50 for that.

“I do not remember any occasion, when someone had sex in the premises of the Italian parliament,” – former deputy of the Italian National Assembly and ex-porn star Ilona Staller (known as Cicciolina in the whole world) said. “There were very strict rules about that, there were cameras in every office, so no one wanted to take risks. But there was something happening on a car park in the evening: the vehicles were shaking and swinging - the people were relaxing with their lovers after a hard day at work. I even offered to pass a law, in order to officially allow car sex near the parliament, but they looked at me like I was an idiot. Nevertheless, I think that the law-makers were very well-mannered people: no one of them was making any sexual offers to me, although there were a lot of politicians, who had seen pornographic movies with me.”

Russia does not lag behind the rest of the world, when it comes to office sex – thank God. A couple of deputy assistants were caught one fine April evening in 1996: a naked attendant of the Communist Party staff and a guy, who was employed in ex-premier Viktor Chernomyrdin’s party “Our Home Russia.” The security was attracted to the moans, coming from one of the offices, they knocked the door out, thinking that a woman was dying there, and rushed inside right in the moment, when the girl was having orgasm. The girl was so frightened that she fell off the table.

Anatoly Lukyanov, a member of the Communist faction in the Russian parliament, said that there was nothing surprising about sex in the parliament: “People sit up late there, they work a lot and they do not have any spare time at home. When they come home, they eat and go to sleep, wake up in the morning and leave for work. Furthermore, there are a lot of deputies, whose assistants are their own wives or lovers, so you may come to a very simple conclusion from that.”

The things with governmental sex in the East are a lot different from what we can see in Europe. In 1978 A member of the government of Uganda, Lim Mossene (32) had sex with her assistant in a toilet – right before the session. Mossene was not satisfied, and ordered to bring her another guy “with a good size.” The military dictator of the country, Idi Amin Dada was furious, when he learnt about it. He ordered to arrest Mossene, and she had to escape abroad with the help of her lover, because she was sentenced to death penalty in Uganda for “abusing the symbol of state organization of Uganda.” What was that symbol? The toilet, where she had sex?

Another interesting incident happened in the Comoro Islands, where a member of the National Assembly of this African republic, Ahmed Abden, was trying to get rid of the evidence, which could prove that he had sex with a 14-year-old girl in his own office. He could not broke video cameras, they were fixed too high, so he simply set his office on fire. He made a big mistake: when he was taking the little girl to his office, he failed to notice another camera in the corridor. The story was over in a very sad way: Ahmed was beaten up with sticks and then sentenced to eleven years in prison. This was not that bad, since another man from the presidential administration of Guinea was executed (hung) in 1977 for having sex five years running with over 200 young female visitors of the presidential palace.

A remarkable story happened in Brazil. The parliament dismissed the head of the state Fernando Collor on December 29 of 1992. The reasons of such a tough decision included the following: “for using the office for improper actions.” This “improper action” was an 18-year-old strip girl, who was invited for president’s birthday. As it usually happens, the girl jumped out of a big cake, took her clothes off, performed the kinky dancing on the table, and took the president to the shower for 40 minutes. The president was assuring afterwards that he was not doing anything raunchy with the naked girl, he was simply talking to her about the Brazilian Constitution, but none of the deputies believed him for some reason.

The people arranged a meeting in front of the premises of the Australian parliament after the sex scandal with Andrew Kilvert. They thought that the politicians ought to spend more time working, rather than doing the nasty. However, none of the deputies wanted to go out: they were examining the new comfortable chair, which had just been brought to the speaker’s office.

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