On February 5, Russian Telegram channels published a video of a man looking like General Oleg Zavgorodny lying on the floor at a police station. According to them, he was detained in Kaliningrad for a drunken brawl.
On February 7, it was said that Oleg Zavgorodny, the head of the Main Directorate of Logistics Support, was fired from the Federal Customs Service, the press service of the department said, RBC reports. The general resigned voluntarily on February 6.
Earlier this week, a number of Russian Telegram channels published a video that allegedly showed Zavgorodny lying handcuffed on the floor of a police station. The video was filmed on February 2 in Kaliningrad, where the general arrived to participate in the annual board of the customs service of the region.
The general and his colleagues were celebrating their business trip in the restaurant of a Kaliningrad hotel. At one point of the party, while heavily intoxicated, the general started a brawl and was detained. Zavgorodny spent several hours in police custody.
Zavgorodny was a Major General of the Customs Service. He headed the Main Logistics Directorate since 2017.
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