Prostitutes steal half a million rubles from two clients in sauna

In Moscow, two prostitutes stole almost 500,000 rubles (about $5,000) from their clients, Shot Telegram channel said.

According to the channel, two 40-year-old men were enjoying themselves in a sauna in Moscow. Seven hours later they decided to invite two girls over. The drunken comrades transferred 18,000 rubles to the prostitutes and went to their rooms with them. The men do not remember what happened afterwards.

The next morning, the men found that there was over 440,000 rubles missing on their cards. Five days later, the men decided to contact the police. They do not remember either the faces or the names of their nighttime visitors. The men assume that the prostitutes caught sight of the men typing the passwords for the banking apps and then made transfers to their own accounts when the clients fell asleep.

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov