Teen boy lives for five years in German woods

Teen boy lives for five years in German woods. 45404.jpegA strange boy was found in Germany. The boy said that he had been living in the woods for five years, Svobodnaya Pressa reports.

A teen boy, named only as Ray, addressed to the police of Berlin and said that he had been living in the woods with his father. He came to the city only after his father died, the boy said.

According to Ray, his father died two weeks ago as a result of a fall. The son dug out a grave and buried the man there. Afterwards, he started walking north with a compass and reached Berlin.

The boy said that he and his father started to live in the woods after the death of the mother. They preferred not to settle in one place and wandered instead.

Ray looks 17б and he speaks only English. The British Consulate Office in Germany joined the investigation, although the boy has nothing to prove that he holds British citizenship.

The police of Berlin contacted Interpol to find out if Ray c ould be found on the lists of missing individuals, the Russian News Service said. Ray also told the police that his mother died as a result of a car accident. He and his father were living in tents and in dugouts.


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