The majority of Russians, 57%, admit that faith plays an important role in their life, while 40% of them do not think much about it.
This is evidenced from an opinion poll conducted by ROMIR Monitoring (Russian Public Opinion and Market Research). ROMIR has polled 1,600 Russian nationals over 18 in 107 cities and villages across Russia in mid March.
3% of pollees said they attended church services every week, 6% - once a month, 11% - several times a year, 16% on major religious holidays, 10% fewer than once a year, while 53% of them do not go to the church at all.
Another survey service, Yury Levada's Analytical Centre, has provided other data.
The centre asked 1,600 grown-up Russians in 40 Russian regions, on the eve of Easter, which this year fell on April 11, whether they were going to celebrate that important Christian holiday. 80% of respondents answered in the affirmative.
90% of pollees qualify themselves as Orthodox believers and were going to celebrate Easter. However, those who described themselves as atheists, 57%, also planned to celebrate the holiday. Moreover, 31% of Muslim believers also planned to celebrate Christian Easter.
However, experts say atheists and Muslims were unlikely to take part in the Easter vigil or in the sacred procession. They, probably, chose to mark the holiday at a holiday table.
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