The day of the murdered family. The century of the murdered family

The vision hat, in 1919, the metropolitan of Moscow Makary saw, who really seems to be the only one from the ancient

“I saw a field. The Saviour goes along a small path. I follow Him and repeat: “Good Lord! I follow Thou!” While He turns his back and answers: “Follow Me!”

Finally, we neared a great arch painted with flowers. Before the arch, the Saviour stood and said again: “Follow Me!” And He went to a wonderful garden, while I remained on the threshold and woke up.

Soon, I fell asleep again and saw myself standing in this same arch, while behind the arch the Saviour stays and our Sovereign, Nikolai Alexandrovich. The Saviour said to the Sovereign: “You see, I have two cups; this bitter is for your people, while this sweet is for you.”

The Sovereign kneels and asks the Lord to give him the bitter cup to drink instead of the people. The Lord cannot agree to it for a long time, though the Sovereign keeps asking. Then, the Saviour took a big scorching piece of coal from the bitter cup and laid it on the Sovereign palm. The Sovereign started to lay it from one hand into another and, at the same time, he became bright in his body till he became completely bright like bright spirit. This time, I awoke.

Afterwards, I fell asleep again. I see a big field covered with flowers. In the middle of the field, I see the Sovereign surrounded with people and giving manna them. An invisible voice says: “The Sovereign took on himself the guilt of the Russian nation, so the Russian nation is excused.”

84 years ago, a tragedy took place, which is still being redeemed by Russia. In Yekaterinburg, the tsar’s family was killed.

Every mystic thing is sooner or later explained with physical laws; however, the mysticism is that some events take place that should be explained.

While killing the tsar’s family, the executioners were afraid: bullets were rebounded from the princesses, and they remained alive. Later, the executioners are said to have found diamonds in their belts, while according to another version, they were protected with their corsets. However, nobody could explain why the young prince, the weak boy, did not die. Probably because they should have remembered it. They should have known that they killed children and any words about counterrevolution could not just them. Nobody who participated in the execution could remain quiet. That event influenced their fates.

Even at that time, the Bolsheviks could not confess to the world that, along with the tsar, they also killed his wife and children and servants.

In the memoirs of Soviet plenipotentiary in Berlin, A. Ioffe found in the Russian President archive, the Soviet diplomat tells about his complicated situation, when he was asked by everybody about the Romanovs. He did not know how to answer, and he could get no information about them from Moscow. Therefore, he said that only Nikolai had been killed, while his family was alive. His answer was later presented as an argument for the family being alive. He expressed his perplexity to Felix Dzierzinski (the chairman of All-Russian Extraordinary Commission and founder of Russian Secret Service). Dzierzinski said that the whole family was killed, though Vladimir Lenin had forbidden to talk about it with anybody.

Therefore, Ioffe had to lie. It was too difficult for him, because the crime seemed to be impossible.People could not believe in it, as well as the Romanovs’ relatives who remained alive. All this caused intrigues and hoaxes. For 84 years, passions boil around some of the found remains, burial places, and reburials. Russia is looking for a tsar. And it cannot find it.

Old monks from Optin hermitage could foresee everything. And they said that there would be no more tsars in Russia, only one, before the very doomsday.

After the tsar was killed, civil war raged in the minds of Russians. Today, Russian society is split into many parts: some people believe quietly, without thinking too much, that the remains of the tsar’s family were buried in burial-vault in the St Petersburg Peter-and-Paul fortress; others believe that the remains were annihilated completely, except one finger, which is esteemed by the Foreign Orthodox Church as a piece of relict, while the third simply do not know what to believe.

Nikolai II and his family were canonized as royal martyrs. The Russian Church could not decide on this for a very long time. However, the canonization was the result of worship. People carried religious processions with the portrait of the tsar and there were some miraculous icons which cured people, so the canonization took place.

However, this was not the end. Some remains were found. Then, some expert examinations took place. Later, a story with one more pseudo-Anastasia Belikhodze occured, who turned out to have died two years ago.

One more story connected with the Romanovs is about the fresco of Tsar Nikolai painted in 1930s, in the city of Zhiche, Serbia. The temple was painted by a Russian icon-painter Kolesnikov.

In 1927, he was invited to paint the temple in Serb monastery of Saint Naum, at Okhrid lake. He was free to paint what he would find proper. The painter decided to paint the faces of 15 saints. After 14 faces were ready, the place for the 15th still remained vacant, because some unexplainable feeling caused Kolesnikov to wait for something. Once, in dusk, Kolesnikov entered the temple. It was dark inside, and the dome only was elucidated with evening sun. In the temple, there was a special play of light and dark. Everything around looked so unusual. At that moment, the painter looked at the vacant place left for the 15th face and saw that there was the mournful face of Nikolai II. The painter was stricken with what he saw. For some time, he stood captured, so later, he came to the wall, placed a step ladder, and started to paint with brushes, without even making the shape with coal. He did not use a photograph. He had seen Nikolai once, so he kept his image in memory.

Last night, in the city of Yekaterinburg, a church service in memory of the Romanovs took place. At 23:30 (local time), the religious procession moved from Saint-Trinity Temple to the church which is being built in memory of the killed tsar’s family. After the service, the procession moved to the monastery of Saints Martyrs on Ganina Hole. The believers brought an icon of Saint Nikolai to the monastery. Over 1,500 people participated in the procession.

People are redeeming their fault before the Sovereign.

Yelena Kiseleva PRAVDA.Ru

Translated by Vera Solovieva

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