Bush targets 35% of world’s nations

George Bush targets 60 nations in his war against terror, claiming that if weapons of mass destruction are not to fall into the wrong hands, up to one third of the world’s countries will have to dismantle terrorist cells and that America must be ready for “pre-emptive action”.

President Bush’s speech to 1,000 graduates of the West Point military academy on Saturday laid down the guidelines for US foreign policy during the remainder of his term in office. He claimed that the USA may have to take the war against international terrorism to up to 60 countries to keep Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD) out of the hands of terrorist organisations.

“We must take that battle to the enemy”, he declared, adding that the USA must “confront the worst threats before they emerge” and be “ready for pre-emptive action when necessary to defend our liberty and to defend our lives”.

George Bush mentioned undemocratic regimes in his speech, a clear reference to his “axis of evil” group of nations, which include Iraq, North Korea and Iran, and possibly Cuba, in an enlarged list of “enemy” nations, adding that without direct action, terrorism and anti-US sentiment would not be controlled in such countries. He justified his claims by saying that containment “is not possible when unbalanced dictators with WMD can deliver those weapons on missiles or can provide them to terrorist allies”.

The belligerence of Mr. Bush’s speech seemed to grow as he went on: “In the world we have entered, the only path to safety is the path of action. And this nation will act”. Apart from action against what he terms “enemy” nations, George Bush stated that the USA will provide military training to those nations fighting terrorist cells and that the attitude of other countries, that do not sponsor terrorism but who allow anti-US hatred to foster among their populations, “must change”.

The arrogance of this speech and in George Bush’s discourse in general again rears its ugly head as the USA categorically declares war, in no uncertain terms, on any nation or group of people it unilaterally considers as “hostile”, namely any nation, or group of people, which does not walk hand-in-hand with what Washington dictates, whether this be in military, social, commercial or political policy.

One would remember the USA’s involvement in the arming of the international terrorists who were the Mujaheddin, fighting against the legitimate regime of Dr. Najibullah in Afghanistan, led by Mullah Muhammad Omar and Osama Bin Laden. One would remember the arming and training of the Albanian terrorists, the KLA, as they perpetrated unspeakable acts of cruelty against Serb civilians.

One would remember the open military training and supply of the Ustache fascist terrorists of Croatia who massacred tens of thousands of innocent Serb civilians in Krajina. One would remember the involvement of CIA-backed General Wiranto of the Indonesian Armed Forces in East Timor as US-equipped militia committed atrocities against civilians, even massacring hundreds of women and children who had taken refuge in churches.

One would remember the covert operations of the CIA in Operation Condor in South America, as fascist governments such as the murderous regime of General Pinochet were clinically placed in power, at the expense of thousands of civilians. One would remember the arming of numerous terrorist organisations, by the USA, in Africa, to fight against the sovereign governments of their countries.

These policies are undeniable fact, these policies are immoral...and George W. Bush is either totally ignorant of his country’s recent past, or is a cheap, cynical hypocrite of the worst kind.


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