Vladimir Putin’s girl became Miss Universe 2002

Oksana Fyodorova, police lieutenant from St.Petersburg, won the Miss Universe 2002 contest. This is just a piece of news, because this contest has winners every year. However, Oksana’s status is special. Her victory gives the reason to talk about two very interesting things. First of all, even beauty queens wear uniforms in Russia, as the FSB – KGB hads its iron hand on beauty contests, so only FSB girls will win in the future. Secondly, which is much more important, it is believed that Oksana attracted President Vladimir Putin’s attention. Noone actually knows if it is true or not. Oksana was going to sue one foreign newspaper that wrote that there was a love affair between her and Putin, but she didn’t.

On the other hand, Oksana maintains an interest in this subject in her interviews, rejecting the possibility of the affair with the president. A journalist once asked her if she found President Putin an attractive man. Oksana giggled and said that only her beloved person was evoking such kind of sympathy in her heart. This guy’s name is Vladimir, by the way.

Oksana became a beauty queen in 1999 for the first time, when she became Miss St.Petersburg. After that, she won lots of other titles, such as Miss Fitness, Miss Fortune, Miss Russia, and now she is Miss Universe.

Oksana is a worthy girl. She was born in the city of Pskov, and graduated from the legal and police college of Pskov as well as St.Petersburg University's Department of Internal Affairs. That was not enough for Oksana, and she entered the Department of Scientific and Teaching Personnel of the same university. She was fond of sports to keep up the good shape, playing basketball and taking hand-to-hand fight classes.

Her figure is not the ultimate incarnation of the “golden section,” but this does not seem to be important if the girl with 179-88-64-93 parameters was awarded Miss Universe status.

Oksana Fyodorova is fond of exercise and reading. She prefers detective stories and law books. She dreams of having two dogs at once, a mastiff for security reasons and Yorkshire terrier for the good of her soul. She likes to cook, but not everyday dinners, only for her guests or parents. Her best dish is Dutch meat: sliced beef fried in cream.

Speaking about president Putin and his alleged affair with Oskana, there is nothing to prove that except for Oksana’s picture that is hanging in his office. Russian people want to have a president that can do something masculine. Doctor Sheglov from St.Petersburg says that both the police beauty queen and President Putin come from St.Petersburg, and they both came from security services. Security service officer and police lieutenant is something very symbolic.

We believe that this rumor is nonsense. Vladimir Putin is the incarnation of allthose things the Russian people miss a lot: patriotism, youth, and a strong will. There is a very big difference between the first Russian president, Boris Yeltsin, and incumbent President Putin. Putin is not that tall, but he is strong and well-built. There are even jokes on this subject: “Did you hear that Vladimir Putin broke an arm? – “You don’t say so! Whose arm did he break?” There were no such jokes about Yeltsin. Vladimir Putin is always neat and good-looking; he is a man of rules. He spent a part of his life in Germany, and this is the origin of his punctuality and strictness. Time can hardly be found for some erotic adventures, as this would totally destroy his image.

Let’s remember how he was received Tony Blair: a fancy restaurant, a glass of high-quality vodka, a glass of German beer, and a classic outfit. Mr. Putin does not make an impression of a guy who likes to drink lots of strong alcohol in a bath-house with his friends and then have fun with girls. It does not really matter how he creates his own image, whether he does himself or maybe he has someone to consult, but the story with the beauty queen does not go together with his image.

Doctor Sheglov believes that Mr. Putin is not a hypocrite or ascetic, but he is drawn to puritanical rules: “What’s life in Germany like? This is a passion for beer, punctuality, precision, and a workaholic character. This is one side of the story, but I do not exclude that there can be passion and emotional experience behind it, but a man of rules does not actually allow himself those things, even if he is emotionally ready.”

- Can such a person have an intrigue?

- I think that even if he had a love affair, it would not happen with a beauty queen. Mr. Putin is not one of those men who react to appearance or to the outer face; he is not like rich playboys either. His type of man is more drawn to serious emotional experience, not to superficial erotic things. If there were a story about a quiet teacher in the city of Vologda and President Putin, who had spiritual relationship with her or even a love affair, hiding it from the public eye, then I would believe this story.

- How can you explain the rumor that Oksana Fyodorova became Miss Universe due to Vladimir Putin?

- I can assume that someone simply tried to please the president; this is a typical Russian feature. Maybe the fact that Oksana comes from St.Petersburg and from security services became a key aspect here, since both of those things are associated with Vladimir Putin.

On the whole, the version is rather convincing to close the question about “Russian Lewinsky.” However, does President Putin like Dutch meat?

Elena Kiselyova PRAVDA.Ru

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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