“Axy phenomenon” could cause mass disorders in Kirghizia

In Bishkek, hearings have been recommenced on the case of the former vice-president of Kirghizia, leader of Ar-Namys (Justice) opposition party, Felix Kulov. This makes experts and observers to forecast a new tide of activity of anti-Akaev forces in the republic. Indirectly, the sum of half a million dollars witnesses this, apportioned to the Internal Ministry for buying rubber bullets and some other means of anti-disorder fight. In the meanwhile, hot discussions are continuing in the public, about reasons and consequences of the tragedy in Axy Region which, as well known, caused human victims. Although official bodies report about stabilization of the situation there, these reports are not being confirmed. People demand to punish the guilty, while preparing new actions of protest. On the spot, several commissions work now: a governmental, a deputy and an opposition commission. The commissions have different views on the tragedy, which also does not further stabilization of the situation. One of these days, Piramida independent TV company, showed a video-film shot during the firing of the peaceful demonstration. This caused new talks about sanctions of the law-enforcement bodies. While, for April 17, a people’s congress is fixed fully devoted to the reasons of the events in Axy Region. The head of the congress’s organization committee is Tolekan Ismailov, the leader of non-governmental organizations’ coalition, known with its radical views. The split begins to show in the Legislation Assembly of Zhegorku Kenesh (Kirghiz parliament). A group of deputies, who signed a declaration about support of official estimation of the events, demanded to carry out closed hearings on this question. While opposition deputies left the congress hall and carried out their own discussion with media and non-governmental organiziations. Unfortunately, forecasts of experts are being realized, about dangerous development of “Axy phenomenon.” As known, the authorities, being afraid of mass disorders, agreed with almost all demands of the rebels. They closed the case of disgraced deputy Azimbek Beknazarov, released him from prison and released all people arrested during the disorders, and apportioned earth plots to landless Axy dwellers. The people considered this to be the authorities’ weakness and concluded that all problems could be solved with pressure and cries. Recently, meetings took place, with demands to release Felix Kulov and Zhyrgalbek Kazakbaev. While in Bishkek, mass actions are being prepared by Public Union of Social Protection of the Population, connected with increasing communal services prices and against the background of too low living standard of most of Kirghiz citizens. The new “equipment” of law-enforcers seems to be aimed against this actions.

Yury Razgulaev PRAVDA.Ru Bishkek Kirghizia

Translated by Vera Solovieva

Read the original in Russian: http://www.pravda.ru/main/2002/04/09/39473.html

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