Our reader Drew Seybel: Anti-Americans from within our country have found PRAVDA.Ru a friendly stage

I am deeply saddened when I read the "Letters to the Editor" section of the otherwise objective reporting in PRAVDA.Ru. Many of the letters you post from [so called Americans] do not reflect the attitudes of the majority of our citizens. President Bush enjoys a higher satisfaction rating than any previous President, over 90% approval. The support America is receiving from her allies is overwhelming, and growing each day. Some letters state American news is censored, it is not true. Any local news stand can provide anyone in America with foreign newspapers, the airwaves are free and the Internet gives Americans access to the world. It appears anti-Americans from within our country have found PRAVDA.Ru a friendly stage from which they can spread their personal agenda, not the true views of mainstream America. They are an embarrassment to our country by any standard, but they will always have the right to free speech. I thank the people of Russia and President Putin for standing with America in our time of need, terrorism must be defeated, and with the world's blessing it will be done.


Drew Seybel

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