Sometimes they rise from the dead

A human being considered to be dead sometimes proves the opposite

Everyone who is familiar with the Bible knows the story of Lazarus of Bethany, who was resurrected by Jesus Christ four days after his death. The body was in decaying when Jesus came up to the tomb. Jesus said that he could bring him back from the dead, and this he did

How should this be perceived? Moscow extrasensory scientist V. Safonov believes the following. Safonov thinks that, if Jesus managed to bring a dead body back to life, then there was an instant biochemical reversibility reaction. Instead of decay, there was recovery. Yet, both Safonov and other scientists believe that Lazarus was not dead. They say that he was lethargically asleep.

People sometimes rise from the dead. Such incidents can be found even in the works of ancient writers. The philosopher Plato, for example, narrated a story of a young girl that unexpectedly died. Her relatives were mourning her, and they were about to bury her when the girl’s fiancйe returned from a distant journey. He was very devastated by the sad news. He rushed to the remains of his beloved woman, weeping hysterically. He called out her name several times. People that gathered for the funeral ceremony were horrified when the dead girl opened her eyes, sat up, and reached out her arms and embraced her man.

Sometimes it happens that a human being rises from the dead without anyone’s help. A young man was fishing in the early spring of 1991 on the outskirts of Paris. Suddenly, he heard a splash in the water nearby. The man looked around and he saw an elderly women who was trying to swim for a while, but then she went straight to the bottom of the river. She was wearing a coat, which took her down very quickly. The fisherman and several other men who also saw this jumped into the river to save her from drowning. They managed to recover her body out on the bank. The men were doing there best to bring the women back to life, but their efforts were all in vain. The woman was dead, and even doctors could not do a thing about it. They put the dead body in their van and took it to a morgue. Something unbelievable happened later. The “body” suddenly recovered, and it started blaming the doctors for rendering services that nobody asked for. The woman said that she was trying to commit suicide.

According to doctors, a drowned person is considered dead if it is not possible to bring back him/her to life after six minutes of reanimation. These six minutes of cause irreversible damage to the human brain caused with the lack of oxygen. Even if you are lucky to revive a human being after those six minutes, he or she will remain a feeble-minded, disabled person. However, the incident with the suicide in Paris says the opposite thing. The woman’s health was just fine.

The Norwegian boy Vegard Sletemunen fell through the ice of a river in one of the towns of Norway. Rescuers found the boy’s body 30 minutes after: the body was taken away by the current. Rescuers performed a very intensive CPR on him. They were astounded to see the boy coughing and breathing. He even made an attempt to sit up. Vegard did not suffer from drowning at all. He studies at school and he does not lag behind his friends.

Doctors tend to believe that if a human body is in a cold atmosphere (in cold water, for instance), brain cells can live without oxygen longer than six minutes.

Canadian Jean Jobone is one of those people that looked into the eyes of death. Jobone was “on the other side” for four hours.

One cold January evening, Jean had to spend a night at her friends’. However, she could not sleep very well in an strange house. She got up, put on her clothes, and went outside to go home without waiting till dawn. Suddenly, she felt bad and fainted. Jean was found lying on a street two hours later, at 7 a.m. The weather was very windy and snowy. There was too much snow to take her to a hospital quickly, so they got her there only 1.5 hours later. Jean’s heart stopped, and her body temperature was only 25 degrees. Her eyes were wide open, and they were covered with a thin layer of ice. Doctors were going to send the woman’s body to a morgue, but there were several young doctors who decided to fight for her life one more time. An hour of their hard work was awarded with success: Jean recovered.

About twenty years ago, a citizen of the Russian city of Leningrad (St.Petersburg currently), Vasily S., was returning home after work. He stumbled and fell down unconscious. It was 30 degrees below zero (centigrade). Passers-by found Vasily’s frozen body the next morning. You are not going to believe this, but doctors managed to bring him back to life, and this was a record of the kind. Doctors said that at first they put the man’s body in a bath tub filled with warm water. Then they performed several heart and restorative injections. When Vasily opened his eyes, they put him in a very warm bed.

There have also been incidents when cold was necessary for a human being to rise from the dead. The young English girl Elsie Warring was hospitalized without any sign of life. Doctors considered her dead. However, the woman “woke up” when they were taking her to a morgue.

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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