Organiser of terrorist act in Kaspiisk is accomplice of arab mercenaries

The one who masterminded a major terrorist act in the town of Kaspiisk in the Russian republic of Dagestan is an accomplice of Arab mercenaries, Rappani Khalilov, a native of Dagestan, Russia's Deputy Prosecutor-General Vladimir Kolesnikov said on Monday.

According to him, the terrorist act perpetrated on May 9 of this year and claiming 43 lives has now been fully solved. Names are known of all 18 members of a subversive terrorist group dispatched to Dagestan specially to carry out terrorist acts. Eight militants who were directly involved in the terrorist act in Kaspiisk have been detained and another 10 put on a wanted list. The group was led by Dagestan's native, Kazim Abdurakhmanov. As the other members of the band, he is an adherent of the extremist religious trend of Wahhabism, said the spokesman.

According to him, the investigation has also established that the mine triggered off by the terrorists had been purchased from servicemen of one of the Russian military units.

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