Defence Minister names four conditions for Russia to win special operation

Russian Defence Minister: There are four conditions for Russia to win in Ukraine

Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov named four conditions for the Russian side to achieve success in the special military operation.

The first condition is to provide the Russian troops with the most modern, high-precision weapons. The second condition is the need to use new tactical methods of conducting combat operations with the involvement of unmanned and robotic systems. The next condition, the minister said, is to create an effective control system and an advanced technological base (including artificial intelligence). The last condition for success, in his opinion, is the constant improvement of the training of military personnel, especially the command staff.

"It is only a comprehensive approach with the help of which we can take full advantage of the enemy," Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov said.

The special military operation in Ukraine is an armed confrontation between the Russian Federation and the collective West, Belousov stressed. This conflict was caused by the desire of the United States and its allies to "maintain their dominance" without allowing "the construction of a new multipolar and equal world order," the minister said.

"This confrontation affects the interests of each state," he emphasised.

Andrei Belousov took over as the head of the Russian Defense Ministry in May of this year. He stated that all goals of the special operation would be achieved.

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov