I am a professional business executive in the USA and also a former drug abuser - with the help of God and a program of recovery my past is very far behind me. In the USA we of course have a terrible social problem with drug and alcohol abuse - but we also have a very strong presence of recovery programs for addicts to turn to. These programs - such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous - are in my opinion the "primary" reason why millions of us are now free from the terror of addiction. I am certain that in my own case, the best efforts of medical doctors, the clergy and even the police failed to help me stop. We in the recovery fellowships have an old saying that ... "one addict helping another is without parallel" ... I read the article that you translated by Dr. Sauta dated April 25. I have traveled several times throughout Belarus and the Ukraine recently and have seen for myself the extent of the drug and alcohol problems. But what I am very excited about - and at the same time very saddened by - is the lack of 12-step recovery programs for the addicts to turn to. I - and several of my recovering friends in the USA and Europe - are looking for ways to help. We do have an answer - I have been clean for over 14 years and know many others like me. I was of the worst type of addict, whom people often place in prison or an institution for many years to protect society. I have since received an MBA from a top US university and give Information Technology consulting advice to global corporate executives. I tell you all this because it's proof that when an addict seeking recovery can find others who have found recovery - miracles happen. The scourge of drugs is strong in the FSU - now you guys should be pushing hard to make recovery just as strong. This isn't something you need the government to help you with - but people like Dr. Sauta are the key to getting recovery started. Can you put me in touch with the good doctor so that I may begin a dialogue with him ? Thank you for your help and please know that my intentions are only to help establish the option of recovery for addicts. Without that option - I would be dead today.
Bill Lasko
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