Indonesia elections: Who’s going to rule the country?

Following six months of campaigning, Megawati has been contesting a runoff election against her former security chief Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Early results from the &to=' target=_blank>election commission show that of the 190,000 votes counted thus far, Yudhoyono has 53.16 percent and Megawati has 46.84 percent.

Around 140,000 police officers were deployed across the world's third largest &to= 22/101/399/13466_democracy.html' target=_blank>democracy on voting day after reports of several bomb hoaxes, reports CNN.

According to Reuters, 151 million people were registered to vote in &to=' target=_blank>Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country. Still, in a first-round election among five candidates in July, the initial returns proved a fairly accurate indication of the final outcome.

Arbi Sanit, a political analyst from University of Indonesia, told Reuters: "The initial counting usually indicates the final result. Thus, if the trend shows a steady vote for SBY every half an hour or so, then it could be dangerous for Megawati."

"I'm quite confident and I have the reason to believe that I could win," Yudhoyono had told reporters at his home on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta before the polls closed.

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