Russian Border Guards Opened Passage To Afghanistan For 29 Lorry Columns With Humanitarian Cargo

Since the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation (November 14) the Russian frontier-guards have opened passage to Afghanistan for 29 lorry columns with humanitarian cargo. As RIA Novosti was told on Thursday in the press service of the Russian frontier group in Tajikistan, thanks to the efficient actions of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Tajikistan and Kirghizia, the operation for bringing humanitarian aid is going on without delays. On Wednesday, December 5, 93 tons of wheat passed from Tajikistan to Afghanistan. Apart from that, work will be resumed at the check-point of Nizhny Panj. On Thursday, a group of technical experts from the Russian Emergencies Ministry, Tajikistan and Kirghizia went to this check-point to determine the amount of work necessary for the normal functioning of the Nizhny Panj check-point.

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