Trump to Zelensky: 'This is a war machine that beat Napoleon and Hitler'

Trump to Zelensky: 'We must end this war. This is a war machine'

Donald Trump said that during a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he urged him to bring peace as soon as possible.

Trump also said that he had had a "very good" conversation with the Ukrainian leader. According to Zelensky, during the conversation, the politicians agreed to a personal meeting.

According to Donald Trump, he called on the Ukrainian president to bring peace as soon as possible. Trump called the hostilities a complete mess that should not have happened.

"Ukrainian President Zelensky called me and we talked together and I said that we must end this war because the Russian army is a war machine. They fight wars and win them. They defeated Hitler and Napoleon. I said the Russians have millions of soldiers and thousands of tanks, and this war should not have happened, and Biden bears it. Responsibility for that," Donald Trump wrote.

In a conversation with Zelensky, Trump also stressed that the Ukrainian "spring offensive never happened" and the Russian side "planted millions of mines."

"I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families,” Trump wrote. "Both sides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves a path forward to prosperity.”

Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that he can resolve the Ukrainian conflict within 24 hours. In particular, he recently promised to settle it before his inauguration.

He also said that he would be able to prevent a third world war that may break out start due to the policies of the current US President Joe Biden and his administration.

Trump may present an ultimatum to Kyiv

Ukraine may accept Trump's peace plan if he wins the election, Express publication said. The Republican candidate is going to cut spending on military aid to Kyiv to give the Ukrainian authorities an additional impetus in searching for ways to achieve a peaceful settlement.

An unnamed high-ranking Ukrainian official also believes that Trump will most likely cut aid to Ukraine and force Zelensky to accept a peace agreement that would be "heavily skewed in Russia's favor.” In this regard, 2025 will be a "very difficult” year for Kyiv, the official said.

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Author`s name Petr Ermilin
Editor Dmitry Sudakov