In the future, Japan may expect life without Russian oil and gas, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council, wrote in his Telegram channel. Medvedev post came as a comment on remarks from Japanese officials about prospects for the Russian oil.
Medvedev called the remarks from the Prime Minister of Japan about possible restrictions on the price of oil purchases "saber-rattling". Medvedev said that in this case, the cost of oil would rise "above the predicted astronomical price of 300-400 dollars."
“Japan will have neither oil nor gas from Russia. It will not take part in the Sakhalin-2 LNG project either,” he wrote.
On July 3, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke about an opportunity to introduce a mechanism to limit prices for Russian oil. According to him, such procedures could be implemented at the level of the Group of Seven.
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