Blogger spits and tramples on Orthodox cross during live stream

Blogger from Dagestan arrested for spitting on Orthodox cross on live stream

A streamer desecrated an Orthodox cross. The blogger spat and trampled on it while broadcasting a live stream on Big Live platform. The blogger is a native of Dagestan who lives and works in Moscow.

The blogger later recorded an apology video, trying to explain that he was provoked into such an act.

The video from the stream shows the blogger spitting on an Orthodox cross, trampling on it and dragging it with his foot along the floor. "

One viewer reacted to the blogger's act by saying "you are disgracing yourself.” The blogger responded by saying rude words about Christian believers. About 300 viewers were watching the stream at that moment.

The blogger was later identified as Javier Yarmagomedov, a native of the Tabasaran region of Dagestan, born in 1995. It was said that the man works as a security guard and lives in Moscow's Mitino district.

"He does not like to introduce himself by his real name: on his pages on social networks and even in his job resume, he calls himself Alexey Mezov. As for his social pages, the man is subscribed to intimate dating groups," Readovka Telegram channel said.

Later, the blogger recorded a video where he said that his notorious stream was "a way of self-defense.” He also said that his actions were provoked "on their part,” although he did not explain who exactly provoked it.

"Yes, I was wrong. Yes, I apologize. But it was them who started it and provoked me. Since this stream has been going on for six months now, I couldn't stop and was telling everyone to stop. I fell for this provocation. I regret what I did, yes, and I apologize to those whom I offended, the believers," the streamer said in his video.

Live streamer to be punished for his act

State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein called the streamer a scoundrel and idiot. He said that he sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs asking law enforcement agencies to arrest the blogger.

"Such a brazen desecration of Orthodox shrines must be severely punished to the fullest extent of law,” the MP said.

The Moscow Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation later announced the initiation of a criminal case for insulting the feelings of believers under Part 1 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The blogger was detained, the Investigative Committee said.

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Author`s name Pavel Morozov
Editor Dmitry Sudakov