Drug addict kills wife and son plunging his BMW car from shopping center car park

BMW car falls from shopping mall parking lot killing all three inside

In Krasnodar, Southern Russia, a BMW car fell onto the street from the third floor of a parking lot in a shopping center.

BWM car crash

The 37-year-old driver and two passengers-a woman and a 12-year-old boy-were killed at the scene, law-enforcement agencies said.

The BMW was driven by Rafael Arakelyan, owner of the Vysota Personal Recovery Center. The company that the man owned provided assistance to patients with addictions to alcohol, drugs and gambling.

The driver did not try to stop the car — no signs of braking were found at the scene. The man's acquaintances said that he would often fight with his wife over money and was himself addicted to drugs. A murder case was filed in connection with the incident.

It became known later that the woman in the vehicle was pregnant. She was there with her son, but the driver of the car was not her husband, but a lover. The woman's husband, the father of the boy who died in the car crash, learned about the death of his wife and son from news. It is believed that the car driver accelerated the vehicle deliberately due to a possible conflict that sparked between him and his woman passenger in the car. 

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov