A married couple had only five days of happy living

Seventy-one-year-old English woman from Manchester Julia Patricia Collins and 28-year-old Pakistani man from Peshawar Mohammed Zafar had very little time to enjoy their romance. Julia died last Sunday over a heart attack.

Julia came to Pakistan a month ago. Zafar introduced his fiancйe to his family on September 17 and then they got married. Zafar said that they could understand each other very well, despite the huge age difference. That mutual understanding was the reason of their marriage.

The “young” people got acquainted with each other in March on the Internet. Julia sent over 160 emails to Zafar since that time. The young man still has them all saved in his computer. He said that he sincerely fell in love with that woman. Zafar also specified that he did not even think of obtaining the British citizenship with the help of that marriage. He also claimed that he was not after Julia’s money, because she was not a rich woman: she borrowed some money from her friends in order to come to Pakistan.

Zafar took Julia to the hospital himself. Pakistani doctors said that there were no traces of violence on the woman’s body. Yet, Zafar is being kept in a police station until the dissection results.

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