Woman chokes on bun and dies on board airplane


Woman chokes on bun and dies on board airplane. 53107.jpeg

A woman died on board A-320 passenger jetliner. Criminal investigation into the death of the woman will not be filed. Investigators concluded that the woman died from asphyxia, having choked on food.

The incident took place on June 1, on board A-320 airliner of S7 airline, bound to Khabarovsk from Novosibirsk. During the flight, 65-year-old passenger choked on a bun during the lunch and started suffocating. The crew decided to perform an emergency landing at the airport of Bratsk. Paramedics pronounced the woman dead.

"Forensic examination showed that the woman died of asphyxiation. There will be no criminal investigation filed into the incident, as the death was due to natural causes," officials told Interfax.

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