"American Idol", Season 7 – afoot! It premiered on January 15, 2008 with Philadelphia auditions. Judges Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson returned to judge once again, along with Ryan Seacrest as host. All of the initial auditions have now been completed.
The TV rating shows that a new season has drawn 33.2 million viewers – low result in comparison with season 6 (37.7).
But still "Idol" managed to attract the largest number of viewers that day. CBS' "NCIS" attracted 15.9 million, "Comanche Moon" - 12.4 million. The biggest loss was on the side of "The Biggest Loser" (7.7 million). But still the show couldn’t compete with Fox - 33.2 million, the same result. ABC had 5.1 million, CBS -13.6 million, NBC - 8.8 million, and the CW - 2.1 million.
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