Competition for monument to Rachmaninov announced in Veilky Novgorod

An all-Russian competition for the best project of monument to great Russian composer and pianist Sergei Rachmaninov has been announced in Veilky Novgorog (north of Russia).

The competition statute will be published soon in Russian media.

According to the city committee for culture, "the boldest, the most modernist projects will be accepted for consideration and every Russian sculptor can take part in the competition." The only restriction to Russian sculptors' fantasies is the monument's size, which is supposed not to exceed four metres together with the pedestal.

The monument of the great Russian composer, born April 1, 1873 in the Semyonovo village not far from Novgorod is planned to be cast of bronze and set in the park beneath the walls of Novgorod's ancient Kremlin.

According to the decision of the Novgorod City Duma, the consideration of competition projects must be completed on December 1, 2003 and the monument opened in 2005.

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