Brazilian Non-Governmental organisation Vitae Civilis is preparing for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, which will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, in August. The organisation intends to shake up the international community regarding its failed promises assumed at Rio, 1992.
In Rio de Janeiro, ten years ago, an optimistic group of 170 heads of state committed themselves to pay 0.7% of their GDP for development programmes in developing countries. These programmes were supposed to address issues such as social exclusion, degradation and pollution of the environment and measures to help the developing world to improve the living conditions of its citizens.
One decade later, many Less Developed Countries are poorer than they were in 1992. Vitae Civilis spokesperson Rubens Born, declared in an interview with “Radio Nacional”, that mankind must start to use what nature has given him in an intelligent and efficient manner, without wasting resources. “This type of approach is called conservation, which means taking care of our environment to guarantee that it can provide us with water, medicinal plants and food for the forthcoming generations”.
Rubens Born pointed out the need to not fell any more areas of tropical forest and to stop using toxic materials, which poison the environment.
The Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg will show the direction the world leaders are taking: either it will produce serious, courageous and positive results, or it will turn out once more to be a meeting of the rich men’s club, where the world’s leaders can sit comfortably sipping their cocktails in stubborn insolence, while they do nothing whatsoever to perform the job for which most of them were elected to do.
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