Group Of Russian Economy Experts To Visit Minsk

A group of Russian experts headed by the deputy minister of economic development and trade is coming to Minsk on Thursday, the press service of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko cited the republic's Premier Gennady Novitsky as saying. According to Novitsky, Russian economists will join their Belarussian colleagues to draw up a program of actions that will help the governments of two countries create equal conditions for economic entities. Apart from that, the sides are expected to make a list of normative and legislative acts that need to be updated and unified into a single legislation. On Wednesday, Novitsky told the Belarussian president about the progress of the measures taken to fulfil the agreements on creation of a common Russian-Belarussian economic space and the arrangements reached during the state visit of a Belarussian delegation to Moscow in late November. He also reported the contents of his telephone conversation with Russian Premier Mikhail Kasyanov.

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