Russian actor dies during evacuation in Kursk region

Wounded Russian actor dies during evacuation in Kursk

Russian actor Evgeny Shishov who starred in TV series "Nevsky" and "Sea Devils" died during evacuation after being wounded in the Kursk region. The actor volunteered to take part in the special military operation in February of this year and took call sign STALKER.

Not that long ago, Shishov participated in battles in the Kursk region of Russia. He suffered a shrapnel wound on August 18 and died during evacuation to the hospital.

Shishov served in the zone of the special military operation under a contract that he had signed with the Russian Defence Ministry. The actor's body is now in Rostov. He is survived by his 15-year-old daughter.


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Author`s name Pavel Morozov
Editor Dmitry Sudakov