Brutal riots spark in English town of Southport after immigrant kills three girls

Riots in Southport: Rwandan immigrant stabs three little girls at dance club

Riots sparked outside a mosque in the English town of Southport after three children were killed at a dance club. More than 50 police officers were injured during last night's unrest. Three police dogs were also injured.

Clashes in Southport

According to the police, the riots were organized by members of a far-right organization. People were throwing bricks at the mosque building, at officers and dogs while others were setting vehicles and garbage bins on fire.

On July 29, a young man wielding a knife attacked visitors to a dance event killing three girls aged between six and nine years old and injuring eight more people.

A 17-year-old Welshman was arrested after the attack. His motives are unknown, but the police are not classifying the case as an act of terrorism. The suspect was said to be a son of immigrants from Rwanda.

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov