Horrific video shows moment when ATACMS cluster munitions hit Sevastopol beach

New horrific video shows moment when cluster munitions hit Sevastopol beach

The moment when cluster munitions struck a Sevastopol beach was captured on video. The video was published by the KP Sevastopol Telegram channel.

The video shows the ATACMS missile attack on vacationers that took place on June 23. The footage shows dozens of submunitions hitting the sea and the beach.

According to most recent reports, 153 people were injured as a result of the attack on the beach in Sevastopol. The State Duma announced that the United States was involved in the attack on the city.

US wants to talk to Ukraine about Sevastopol attack

The US wants to talk to Ukraine about its attacks, Pentagon Press Secretary Patrick Ryder said, commenting on the shelling of Sevastopol.

US authorities made it clear to Kyiv that Washington did not want to see civilian casualties. Ryder preferred not to answer the question of whether the American side provided the Armed Forces of Ukraine with intelligence data to select targets before the attack on Sevastopol.

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov