Joe Wertz: Being that I am not 18 years old, I am not allowed to fight in the war, but if I was permitted, I certainly would

I am a 15 year old American student living in an area in between both New York and Washington, D.C. America has been struck at its most vital organs: New York City and Washington D.C. The unthinkable has happened, and now a month later it is finally reality. The future of America, and the entire world, has changed in numerous aspects. Although Bin Laden has attempted to crush American spirit, we are stronger than ever. This is shown through the American flags that can be seen on many houses and cars. "United We Stand" signs can be seen all over cities. Now that the severity of the attacks has set in, we are ready to make our best attempt at justice by hunting down the heartless terrorists responsible for the death of over 5,000 people. Being that I am not 18 years old, I am not allowed to fight in the war, but if I was permitted to join in the war I certainly would. Every time I see the hijacked planes being crashed into the World Trade Center buildings, I feel sorrow, sadness, and hatred. A month has passed and Americans have a lust for justice and we are relieved that many nations have joined in our efforts of retaliation. Now can I only pray that the attacks are over with, and the culprits, and harboring nations, are brought to justice.

Joe Wertz

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