Deep Purple and Tina Turner sing at Gazprom’s show in Moscow

Legends of world music, rock band Deep Purple and never-fading icon of music Tina Turner, performed at Moscow Kremlin within the scope of the show celebrating the 15th anniversary of Russia’s gas giant Gazprom.

The show consisted of three parts and continued for more than four hours. President Putin opened the show with a special speech congratulating those working at Gazprom. Governmental officials, including Putin’s official successor Dmitry Medvedev, who is a big fan of Deep Purple, were among other guests in the audience. Medvedev said that he owns the complete collection of Deep Purple albums on vinyl disks at home.

Russian artists of pop and rock music started the show. Deep Purple and Tina Turner appeared during the closing part of the show. Deep Purple performed eight of their biggest hits. Tina Turner sang ten songs.

Tina Turner appeared on the Kremlin stage 12 hours after her performance at Grammys in Los Angeles, where she appeared in a duet with Beyonce. The singer said that it was a great honor for her to sing for Putin. However, the president had already left by that time.

It is worthy of note that superstars of world music are paid millions of dollars for their performances at corporate shows or private parties in Moscow. It is not known how much Gazprom paid for its four-hour music extravaganza. Some Russian newspapers wrote that the gas giant paid $2.5 million to Tina Turner.

Russian oligarchs regularly invite biggest music stars to Russia for their private parties. Shakira, Christina Aguilera, George Michael, Mariah Carey, Kylie Minogue and others – all performed for Russian oil tycoons in Moscow for millions of dollars. Shakira and Christina Aguilera, for example, danced and sang for Russian powers-that-be in the spring of 2006. Their performances lasted for 45 minutes each. The stars were paid one million dollars each.

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov