Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary on Afghani drugs threat

Oleg Chernov, Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary considers the Afghani drugs threat as the main destabilising factor in the Central Asia.

"Along with the traditional mawseed and cannabis Afghanistan produces highly dangerous drugs substances," Chernov disclosed on Thursday at the International scientific-practical conference on the Central Asian issues.

In this connection the Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary noted, that "this year Afghanistan expects an incredibly high harvest of raw opium. "Some experts predict that the harvest of raw opium will amount to 4,000 metric tons and some others - 5,000 metric tons," Chernov said.

Among other destabilising factors in the Central Asia Oleg Chernov named the absence of the stable economy in the countries of the region, transparency of borders, stable corrupted net of drug-dealers and criminal structures, as well as obviously grown flows of illegal migration.

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