China-Kirghizia agreement on anti-terrorist co-operation

China and Kirghizia have signed an agreement on bilateral co-operation in the fight against terrorism, extremism and separatism. On Wednesday Kirghiz Foreign Minister Askar Aitmatov, in China for an official visit, and his Chinese counterpart Tan Jiaxuan put their signatories under this document.

The agreement provides for interaction and mutual support of the two countries in the anti-terrorist effort and for more co-ordinated activities in ensuring regional stability and peace.

During the Beijing talks between the two foreign ministers, Tan Jiaxuan emphasised that Beijing and Bishkek, acting within the UN, the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation and other international and regional organisations, fully understood each other's interests and concerns and were collaborating in regard to the pressing international and regional problems.

Askar Aitmatov arrived in China on Tuesday for a six-day official visit on the invitation of the Chinese foreign ministry.

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