Ukrainian government resigns after PM Yatsenyuk steps down

At the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on July 24, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk announced his resignation. He explained that he was resigning from the post of the head of the Ukrainian government in connection with the collapse of the coalition "European choice" in the parliament.

"I announce my resignation in connection with the collapse of the coalition and the blocking of government bills," he said. In this situation, he added, the Prime Minister has two options: either to start consultations on forming a new coalition or step down. In case of the first option, Yatsenyuk added, he would have to take up the coalition of communists and Party of Regions. "I will not do it, under no circumstances," he said.

"In case there is no new coalition, and the acting coalition in the parliamentary-presidential republic has collapsed, the government and the Prime Minister must resign," he explained.

The resignation of the Prime Minister automatically means the resignation of the entire Ukrainian government. Cabinet members will continue to perform their duties until a new coalition at the Verkhovna Rada is formed.

Yatsenyuk headed the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers on February 27 this year. After he announced the resignation, Parliament Speaker Alexander Turchynov offered deputies to nominate a technical candidacy of the prime minister.

Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Regional Development, Construction and Public Utilities, Vladimir Groisman, was appointed the Acting Prime Minister of the Ukrainian government.

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